Seven Falls Zipline

Seven Falls Zipline

The Seven Falls Zipline in Lake Sebu, Cotabato, Philippines offers breathtaking views of the surrounding forest… if you can keep your eyes open. It has 2400 ft. long and 1500 ft. long routes, both at nearly 600 ft. high.

from The Awesomer

Arbeitsrecht in der Katholischen Kirche: Hortleiterin darf bleiben

Hort in Holzkirchen | Bildquelle: dpa

Aufatmen bei vielen Eltern im bayerischen Holzkirchen: Die Leiterin eines Horts der katholischen Caritas darf bleiben. Ihr hatte die Kündigung gedroht, weil sie lesbisch ist und eine eingetragene Partnerschaft eingehen wollte. Das neue Arbeitsrecht war es aber letztlich nicht, das half. Von Betina Hummel. [video]

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from – Die Nachrichten der ARD

Kommentar zum Vorwurf des Landesverrats: Es macht mich wütend!

Der Generalbundesanwalt Range | Bildquelle: picture alliance / dpa

Der Generalbundesanwalt ermittelt wegen Landesverrats. Gegen Journalisten, die nur ihren Job gemacht haben, auch wenn es den Geheimdiensten nicht passt. Was mich dabei wütend macht: Es ist derselbe Generalbundesanwalt, der sich seit Monaten weigert, Ermittlungen gegen die NSA einzuleiten. Von Georg Restle. [mehr]

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from – Die Nachrichten der ARD

Counter-Strike Global Offensive Guide: Tips For Beginners

In Pop Flash, a series of insights into Counter-Strike: Global Offensive [official site], Emily Richardson looks past the amazing clutches and crushing defeats to understand the culture and meta of Valve’s everlasting competitive FPS.

This week I want to go right back to basics. Counter-Stike has been around since 1999, but every week new players log onto the Global Offensive servers. I hope this post will help those players get into the game quickly and enjoy its competitive nature from the start. Have a browse through, try some things, find what works for you. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the game whether you’re playing competitively or just for laughs. Obviously, this piece isn’t really aimed at experienced players, but if you’d like to give some extra tips in the comments they’re totally welcome.

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Space Roughhousing: Playful Planting In Shu’s Garden

In twenty minutes of Shu’s Garden [official site], I’ve rolled around planets spreading grass, replanted trees, batted spaceducks around the sky, played tag with another of my space cactus species, and possibly got into a fight with a nasty hair thing. I think. I’m not sure. It’s one of those lovely playful games where you dive in and only realise what’s possible after you’ve done it. More so because you’re playing a life-giving sapient space cactus exploring planetoids, and I have no idea what to expect from such a premise.

Following a release for pocket telephones last year, Shu’s Garden has arrived expanded and enhanced on PC for Windows and Mac at a price of $5 (£3.20-ish)

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun