US-Repräsentantenhaus lädt Flynn vor

Michael Flynn | Bildquelle: REUTERS

In der Russland-Affäre hat der Geheimdienstausschuss des US-Repräsentantenhauses den ehemaligen Sicherheitsberater der Trump-Regierung Flynn vorgeladen. Auch der ehemalige Trump-Anwalt Cohen soll dort aussagen. [mehr]

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from – Die Nachrichten der ARD

#kurzerklärt: Worüber streiten Klimaforscher und -skeptiker?


Die Klimaerwärmung ist eine Erfindung der Chinesen, um der amerikanischen Wirtschaft zu schaden – das hat zumindest US-Präsident Trump behauptet. Aber was sagt die Wissenschaft dazu? Worüber streiten Klimaforscher und -skeptiker? #kurzerklärt von Charlotte Gnändiger. [video]

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from – Die Nachrichten der ARD

Kool Keith x MF Doom: SuperHero

Kool Keith x MF Doom: SuperHero

Price: $1.29  | Buy | Link

(Flashing images) “JVC is nice; I’ve been around Japan; It’s electronic, calls me Viktor; High on the scales, off the Richter.” Director Kris Merc’s dope visual feast is the perfect complement to hip hop legends Kool Keith and MF Doom’s track about a rapper with super powers.

from The Awesomer

Revoltech Wolverine Action Figure

Revoltech Wolverine Action Figure

Price: $75  | Buy

The best there is at what he does. Kaiyodo’s 12th scale (6.1″ tall) Amazing Yamaguchi Wolverine action figure is based on the most badass X-Man’s ’90s incarnation. It comes with three heads, seven hands, two sets of claws and of course a cigar.

from The Awesomer

Umweltexperte: „USA könnten einen Erdrutsch auslösen“


Was würde passieren, sollten die USA aus dem Pariser Klimaabkommen aussteigen? Bis zum Ende von Trumps Amtszeit wäre das kein wirkliches Problem, sagt SWR-Umweltexperte Werner Eckert. Gefahr drohe aber, wenn andere Länder folgen – das könnte einen Dominoeffekt auslösen. [mehr]

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from – Die Nachrichten der ARD

Wot I Think: Caveblazers

There are a lot of games that look like they might give me that Spelunky feeling but most of them just leave me feeling a little empty. Not Caveblazers [official site]0 though. Rupeck Games’ debut captures the craft and chaotic delights of Spelunky better than anything I’ve played since Spelunky itself though and it has quickly become one of my favourite roguelike platformers.

… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Lonely Mountains: Downhill

Lonely Mountains: Downhill


An upcoming game for PC and Mac which sends players on a ride down the side of a mountain on their bicycle. The game will offer open level designs which allow you to take whatever path you want all the way from the top of the mountain to the bottom. Follow it on Steam.

from The Awesomer

Rain World and Glittermitten Grove on sale for $cheap

Here’s some cheapo games because you like cheapo things and you’re a cheapo person. Don’t give me that look, I’m just being honest. The same folks that do this sort of thing all the time are Humbling Bundling survival platformer Rain World together with Glittermitten Grove, which is a fairy management sim and definitely not hiding any other amphibious videogames inside its slimy belly sac, if that’s what you’re thinking. This is all part of the Adult Swim bundle, which includes some other bits and bobs.
… [visit site to read more]

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Prints by Jo3bot

Prints by Jo3bot

Price: $20/1 | $50/3 | $85/5  | Buy

Los Angeles artist Joey “Jo3bot” Spiotto has created a series of illustrations inspired by characters from pop culture, done in the style of classic Little Golden Book covers. They’re available as 8×10 prints over in his Etsy shop, or in his limited-run book Storytime.

from The Awesomer