Andrew Huang: Modular Synthesizers

Andrew Huang: Modular Synthesizers


YouTube star Andrew Huang made this wonderful introductory video about modular synthesizers – both the software and hardware kind. He not only simplifies and shows how they work, he also shares what he loves about them.

from The Awesomer

Terror in New York: Lage unter Kontrolle, Parade soll stattfinden


Nach dem Terrorakt in New York gehen die Ermittler von einem Einzeltäter aus. Die Polizei erklärte, die Lage unter Kontrolle zu haben, berichtet ARD-Korrespondent Markus Schmidt. Die Halloween-Parade mit 60.000 Teilnehmern und Hunderttausenden Zuschauern soll wie geplant stattfinden. [video]

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from – Die Nachrichten der ARD

Premature Evaluation: Sunless Skies

sunless skies

This week’s Premature Evaluation sees Fraser hurtling through the cosmos inside a space-faring locomotive in Failbetter Games’ eccentric early access space sandbox, Sunless Skies.

Narrative-driven games aren’t normally a comfortable fit with piecemeal early access development – it’s harder to offer a compelling vertical slice of a story that’s meant to be viewed as a whole. This isn’t Failbetter Games’ first rodeo, however; the studio has already had one successful early access game in Sunless Sea. Like its predecessor, Sunless Skies has another advantage: it’s a game about making and experiencing your own story through evocative vignettes and quests, rather than following a prescribed narrative.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Champions League: Bayern ziehen ins Achtelfinale ein

Spielszene Bayern München gegen Celtic Glasgow | Bildquelle: REUTERS

Bayern München hat das Champions-League-Spiel gegen Celtic Glasgow mit 2:1 gewonnen. Damit zieht das Team von Trainer Jupp Heynckes vorzeitig ins Achtelfinale ein. Nach dem vierten Spieltag können die Münchner nicht mehr von Platz zwei in der Gruppe verdrängt werden. [mehr]

from – Die Nachrichten der ARD

How to Make Stuffed Pizza Skulls

How to Make Stuffed Pizza Skulls


One of Hungry Happenings‘ Halloween hits. The stuffed pizza skull is easy to make and needs only a handful of ingredients. Once you get the hang of it, you can try different molds, sizes and stuffing. Check out the complete recipe and instructions here.

from The Awesomer

The Last of Us Part Two (Trailer 2)

The Last of Us Part Two (Trailer 2)


(Gore) The latest trailer for the much-awaited The Last of Us Part 2 finally shows some in-game footage. But instead of Joel and Ellie, the clip introduces three new main characters, who seem to be parts of opposing cults. Turn captions on.

from The Awesomer

Mehrere Tote bei Vorfall in New York

Polizei in Manhattan | Bildquelle: AP

In New York hat es bei einem Vorfall mit einen Kleinlaster mehrere Tote gegeben. Ein Mann fuhr über den Bürgersteig und tötete dabei nach Medienberichten sechs Passanten. Die Polizei nahm den Verdächtigen fest, nachdem er das Auto verlassen hatte. [mehr]

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from – Die Nachrichten der ARD

Slidewheel Water Slide

Slidewheel Water Slide


Water slides can be fun, but they take up a lot of real estate – especially if you want to build up any speed. Thrill ride maker Wigand Maelzer is testing an insane new water slide that spins like a ferris wheel, providing faster, longer rides in a very small space.

from The Awesomer

Star Wars Battlefront 2 reworking loot crates

What a time we live in, when Star Wars is crassly monetised. What a world! The idea this dear little mom & pop franchise of movies, comics, cartoons, toys, novels, statues, t-shirts, nappies, waffle irons, Christmas decorations, and tiki mugs could ever be used to wring pennies from pockets… it doesn’t bear thinking about. But EA were trying to do just that with Star Wars Battlefront 2, packing upgrades into virtual loot crates that can — optionally — be bought for real money. Scandalous! So with the game’s launch now mere weeks away, EA have announced changes to make loot crates and progression slightly less gittish. (more…)

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

Champions League: Glasgow – Bayern München im Liveticker

Bayern Münchens Trainer Jupp Heynckes im Celtic Park in Glasgow. | Bildquelle: dpa

Mit einem Sieg in Glasgow kann Bayern München den Einzug in die K.o.-Phase der Champions League nahezu klarmachen. Der deutsche Rekordmeister muss auf den verletzten Torjäger Lewandowski verzichten. Gegner Celtic braucht jedoch auch einen Sieg, um seine Chance zu wahren. [mehr]

from – Die Nachrichten der ARD