Norweger Carlsen verteidigt Schachweltmeister-Titel

Magnus Carlsen ist wieder Schach-Weltmeister. Der Norweger verteidigte seinen Titel in New York im Tiebreak mit 3:1 gegen den Russen Sergej Karjakin. Nach zwölf Partien mit normaler Bedenkzeit hatte es 6:6 gestanden. [mehr]

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from – Die Nachrichten der ARD

How to Buy a Parts Car

How to Buy a Parts Car


YouTuber ChrisFix teaches us how to look for a parts car – a cheap vehicle that you’re going to strip for parts for your existing cars. You’re going to have to do a fair amount of research, but it could save you a lot of money.

from The Awesomer

PanamaPapers lösen weltweit Ermittlungen aus

Verfremdete Skyline von Panama-Stadt. | Bildquelle: REUTERS

Die Veröffentlichung der PanamaPapers hat Ermittlungen in mehr als 70 Ländern und Rücktritte ausgelöst. Viele Staaten arbeiten an schärferen Gesetzen, um Steueroasen besser zu bekämpfen. Eine Zwischenbilanz. Von J. Strozyk und B. Strunz. [mehr]

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from – Die Nachrichten der ARD

Tagesthemen-Reihe: Große Ängste in Spiegelberg


Angst vor der Globalisierung, Arbeitslosigkeit, Zuwanderer: In Deutschland rumort es. Die Tagesthemen-Reihe „Was Deutschland bewegt“ beginnt mit einer Geschichte aus Spiegelberg: Wenig Arbeitslose, wenig Migranten, trotzdem ist die AfD stark. [mehr]

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from – Die Nachrichten der ARD

Rogue One Film Theory

Rogue One Film Theory


The Film Theorists make a wild claim that could answer why Rogue One‘s characters are not mentioned in the original Star Wars trilogy. Their speculation is based on concept art for The Force Awakens. We’re not buying it, but it sure is interesting. Skip to 11:12.

from The Awesomer

Life in a Wraith Black Badge

Life in a Wraith Black Badge


Our friends at Rides & Drives answer the question: what happens when you get to spend 36 hours with no itinerary (and no adult supervision) in the most powerful Rolls-Royce Motor Car ever built? Join them as they blast across the countryside in a Wraith Black Badge.

from The Awesomer

Polen: Acht Tote bei Grubenunglück nach Erdbeben

Trauer nach Grubenunglück in Polen | Bildquelle: dpa

Nach fast einem Tag Suche gab es die traurige Gewissheit: Bei einem Grubenunglück in einer südwestpolnischen Mine hat es acht Todesopfer gegeben. Auslöser war ein Erdbeben gewesen. Die Staatsanwaltschaft untersucht die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen. [mehr]

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from – Die Nachrichten der ARD

Deal: Saberlight Flameless Lighter 2pk.

Deal: Saberlight Flameless Lighter 2pk.

Price: $38  | Buy

Light up without flint or lighter fluid with these high-tech lighters. They use an electrically-generated plasma charge to ignite, and are windproof and splashproof. Grab a pair now for 81% off the MSRP in The Awesomer Shop.

from The Awesomer

The Flash’s Fastest Moments

The Flash’s Fastest Moments


The abilities of DC Comics’ speedster go way beyond running quickly – he’s the embodiment of motion and time. That said, he is a fast runner. How fast? Faster than teleportation. Because comic books. Find out more in VariantComics’ video.

from The Awesomer

Best Football Manager 2017 mods so far

Sports Interactive’s Football Manager series (once known as Championship Manager) is the Chosen One of sports management games. Rarely does its year-on-year instalment fall from Steam’s top ten most played games list and while the latest edition, Football Manager 2017 [official site], isn’t exactly brimming with new features, it has finely tuned almost all of its existing ones – to the point where this season’s outing is one of the best in the series’ illustrious 14-year career. “I have been impressed; greatly impressed at times,” says Adam in his review.

Similar to the waves of players and personnel who switch employers each year, mods come and go with each passing iteration of FM. The following list gathers the best that are available so far for 2016/17’s incarnation – but we’ll be adding to this list as the season unfolds.

… [visit site to read more]

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