Volksparkstadion wird zur tagesschau Arena

Das tagesschau Stadion | Bildquelle: picture alliance / augenklick/fi

Es ist ein Novum in der Geschichte der Bundesliga, aber auch der des öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunks: Erstmals wird ein Stadion nach einer Fernsehsendung benannt. [mehr]

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from tagesschau.de – Die Nachrichten der ARD https://ift.tt/2FLRW0C

Ukraine-Wahl: „Poroschenko noch nicht abschreiben“


Die erste Runde der Präsidentenwahl geht an den Quereinsteiger Selenskij. Doch vieles spricht dafür, dass die Ukrainer sich in der Stichwahl für den Polit-Profi Poroschenko entscheiden, analysiert ARD-Korrespondentin Ina Ruck. [mehr]

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from tagesschau.de – Die Nachrichten der ARD https://ift.tt/2OFRAwQ

How the Internet Changed Storytelling

How the Internet Changed Storytelling


…more specifically, non-fiction content, and to an extent, documentaries and news. Now You See It looks at how vlogs, podcasts and commentary channels thrive online thanks to being “authentic”, conversational, participatory and lengthy.

from The Awesomer https://ift.tt/2WD1fGX

MAFEX X-Men Cyclops Action Figure

MAFEX X-Men Cyclops Action Figure

Price: $95  | Buy

MAFEX’s action figure of the X-Men’s Cyclops is based on the characters’ 90’s comic book design. The figure is about 6.3″ tall and comes with three heads, including an unmasked one. It also comes with sweet optic blast effects.

from The Awesomer https://ift.tt/2COMhpU

Reminisce about childhood imagination in Where The Bees Make Honey

I don’t think I’ve ever played as a frustrated telemarketer in a video game before, but that’s Sunny, the protagonist of Where The Bees Make Honey, a narrative puzzle game that released earlier this week. It’s not a game about making cold calls, though, but instead about reminiscing on the freedoms of childhood. Here’s a trailer showing off some of those moments of reflection, all made hazy by what I assume is the visual representation of nostalgia.


from Rock, Paper, Shotgun https://ift.tt/2CNRnmr

Moons of Madness

Moons of Madness


Science fiction meets the occult in Moons of Madness. The first-person horror game is about a technician on a base on Mars, which was established to look for the source of an intelligent signal. But soon all hell breaks loose. Coming to PC, Xbox One and PS4.

from The Awesomer https://ift.tt/2U7M6AJ

Kommunalwahlen in der Türkei: Denkzettel für AKP bleibt aus

Kommunalwahlen in der Türkei | Bildquelle: dpa

Bei den Kommunalwahlen in der Türkei liegen trotz anhaltender Kritik an ihrer Politik die Kandidaten der Regierungspartei AKP vorn. Insbesondere in den Metropolen werden jedoch knappe Ergebnisse erwartet. [mehr]

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from tagesschau.de – Die Nachrichten der ARD https://ift.tt/2Vbvdle

Anonymous Ism Boxer Shorts

Anonymous Ism Boxer Shorts

Price: $50-$60  | Buy

If you rock boxer shorts, check out Anonymous Ism’s one-of-a-kind offerings. The Japanese brand is famous for its knitted socks, but their boxers are just as notable, what with their beautiful patterns and colors. They come in paisley, floral, bandana and tie-dye.

from The Awesomer https://ift.tt/2JTNcvs