AI wizard Mike Cook wants OpenAI’s Dota bots to teach him, not beat him

In a little over four weeks, five AI bots will play a team of pro players at The International. OpenAI’s bots have learnt to play Dota 2 almost from scratch, building up an understanding of the game using one of the most advanced reinforcement learning techniques AI researchers have yet devised.

It’s an impressive achievement, regardless of whether the bots manage to crush their flesh and blood opponents. But don’t get too carried away. Last week I told you about Mike Cook’s blog post, where he highlighted both the technical and conceptual limitations surrounding OpenAI’s bots. Mike is best known for Angelina, the game making AI that he’s been tinkering with for the past eight years – but no AI problem can escape his expert gaze. So I called him up and asked if he could explain some more. (more…)

from Rock, Paper, Shotgun

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